
83 posts

Atuona To Hanamenu Bay Hiva Oa

Yesterday we took a break from provisioning and trying to find an internet connection to enjoy our first tour. We were so happy that we did because we found out later that a car rental cost the same as the tour for the two of us. We were accompanied by […]

Tahuata To Atuona Hiva Oa

We met Kalino, the wood carver, around 9 AM only to be heart broken that his engraving machine had shorted because all of the rain. We were so excited about the work we had commissioned because he is so talented. Kalino was very kind to fix the strings of the […]

Octopus Hunting Tahuata Marquesas

When first arriving in Hapatoni Bay we saw a man beating something with all of his might against the reef, as it turned out he had found an octopus and chose to tenderize it by beating it vigorously against the reef. Josh, a cruising friend we met in Fatu Hiva, […]

85 Pounds Of Tuna

We woke early to pick up our neighbor, Josh, for a fishing trip around the point of southern Tahuata. As we headed to the point a squall with 35 knot winds forced us to stay on the lee of the island. We trolled around seeing an amazing amount of birds […]

Hapatoni Bay

Hapatoni Bay is one of the best anchorages because the gust of squalls do not funnel as strongly through the mountains and we are anchored directly in front of a small waterfall. The locals have been friendly and we found it interesting there are only 100 people living in the […]

Oh My Internet

We made it to the northeast village and passage. We left with good visibility and only had one squall during our transit. We arrived and fired up the Wirie, our WiFi amplifier, and were so excited to have an internet connection through ViniSpot. To our dismay the connection is a […]

Blue Skies

We forgot what it was like to cook with the propane and how much heat the flame produces. Raining outside and a big pot of soup on an open flame created a sauna inside the boat. As the clouds were thicker and darker we couldn’t take it anymore, turned on […]

Tropical Storm Anchoring

Wade woke to the sounds of wind howling. He looked at the chart plotter to determine we were still in the same place and the wind instruments read 35 knots and gust to 40. On deck he checked the status of our anchor and noticed the chain was fairly vertical […]

Safety Sailors

  A couple of days ago we anchored quickly before a squall was over us and we could not have picked a better spot. The high pressure systems below 20 degree latitude was not the weather making it possible for us to go from Tahanea to Makemo it was Tropical […]

Do We Get Bored While Cruising?

We both believe that boredom is in the beholder. Two very different people on the same boat and one person can shout “I’m bored!” while the other person is frantically doing “stuff”, haha. We are both very lucky that we are not such people. Both of us find ways to […]