Points North

Over the last 24 hours we made negative 28 miles towards our destination of Dutch Harbor. Yes we are now actually 28 miles further away over the last 24 hours. However, at 2 pm today, we tacked and are now heading due north, pinched close to the wind, at a speed of about 6 knots. Hopefully with this last tack and the Westing of the last two days, we can now sail more directly towards Dutch Harbor and maybe be there on Wednesday. 589 miles to go. Still the sky remains generally overcast, and it is like an upper level fog. And the temperature remains about 56 degrees.

Today we discussed how much we are ready to be there, and hopefully that “there” is Dutch Harbor, haha. And we figured that we moreso feel this way on this trip because of the length of the trip, but most of all because our sailing the last two days has actually placed us almost a day further away from Dutch Harbor, in addition to losing two days of possible progress. But on the positive side, we have not encountered any “serious” weather on this voyage.

Sara made curry with the albacore of two days ago, which was very, very yummy. We can hardly say strongly enough how much we really like the albacore. Again however, we decided to take another days break from fishing. That canning of fish on a boat can be a bit of work.

Wade and Sara

**Due to possibly weak SSB transmission, game details are limited to vessel position. Math Be Hard For Sailors – Alaska
Ves. Pos. 44°57.767’N, 172°50.071’W

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