Our first Noon Report! Position 21 degrees 19′ North and 157 degrees 45 minutes West, speed zero; yep we are still in Honolulu. But, yes, really, we are really, really are leaving right now! There is not much to report other than all systems are a “go”, weather systems included, for a July 4th departure.
Hopefully, on Tuesday’s Noon Report we can tell of catching a fish and that the weather and seas continue being fair. The voyage will be approximately seven days (July 11), until we arrive at our first stop, Fanning Island of Kiribati, which is almost 1050 miles straight south of Honolulu. Are planned itinerary is as follows:
- Fanning (Tabuaeran) Island
- Penrhyn Atoll
- Society Islands (Bora Bora, and the rest)
- Austral Islands
- Tuamotus
- Marquesas
- Back to Hawaii more than likely around April 2017
For the last week, our delay in leaving has been related to weather spinning up and dissipating. We get weather from many sources to include Rick Shema Professional Meteorologist, Central Pacific Hurricane Center, Passage Weather, and NOAA. Underway we have a SSB radio and Sail Mail account that affords us the ability to receive NOAA Grib files, email, and weather forecast (Weather / Radio Fax) from the Honolulu National Weather Service.
This morning as we excitedly prepared to depart, we looked at the weather and realized that we may be catching up to a system that would pass out of our way to the west before we got to this area 3 days south of Honolulu. However, that system now is lagging a day slower in movement, but maybe it will speed up again as often happens so that we miss this mild rain storm system.
As we have gone back and forth the last couple of days waiting for the best conditions, today looks as good as we may get.
Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble An’ if I stay it will be double… The Clash
Fun Fact: Although we will be arriving in Fanning on July 11 really, it’s July 12th because the major portion of the Kiribati island group is across the international dateline and it would be too confusing to have some islands on a different day than the others.
To our many friends! Thank you for the wonderful farewells! We have been so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives and appreciate each of you!