Yesterday we went to town and took a look at the fishing gear. Not so much to our surprise the prices for a Penn fishing reel was twice the amount from in the states, so for $162 we purchased two hand lines, 260kg weight line, and mechanics. We found a restaurant called Cubana’s and ate pizza while surfing the web until they mysteriously changed the password.
Today we woke up and searched for a waterfall hike that we knew the “proximity” location. After a good morning and afternoon of hiking we found the first waterfall and decided to skip the second two on the trail. The best part is this area was a mecca for fresh produce. Our hammocks are now full of fresh banana, papaya, mango, avocado, and lime. Tomorrow we move further south.
Fun Fact: Wade just finished his first book of crossword puzzles, which is 86 crosswords complete since July 4th!
Wade and Sara
Position at noon: 16 degrees 44.674 minutes South and 151 degrees 25.514 minutes West